Video Projects
2020 Pool Remodel
Who remembers all the work, love and frustration of a major remodel after it’s done? Get those memories down on video!
The Robinson Family History
My 95-year-old Aunt Robin remembers my Grandparents and her brother’s experience as a bomber navigator during World War II.
Cabo San Lucas Vacation
Everyone has a phone with an amazing camera for photos and videos. Keep memories of your fun vacations to remember in future years.
Big Sid
Sometimes only the people that were there will really “get it”. In my family’s case it was the summer on Spring Lake with “Big Sid”. Brothers Dave and Stan wrote and recorded the music that takes this from good to great!
Vascular Bypass Surgery
Dr. McKeever explains a complicated Bypass Surgery done in 2021.
The difference she made in the patients life is her motivation.
Dr. Sara McKeever, Vascular Surgeon, Tucson, AZ
Dr. McKeever shares some of the reasons she became a vascular surgeon.